Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Quickly Time Flies...

Ah, I have finally made my return to this blog. I apologize, but it has been a long time since I've updated. Unfortunately, that is also the reason that my blog had remained so devoid of activity. Three weeks ago was my cousin's wedding, 2 weeks ago was Comic-Con, and 1 week ago I had a lot of household chores to catch up on due to my absence. Since weekends are the time that I devote to working on the guitar, very little progress had been made.

I know that last time, I said I was FINALLY ready to paint. However, like last time I realize yet another task must be completed before the guitar can be primed and painted. The output jack and the electronics cavity needs to have a connecting hole in between them to let wires pass through. Due to the size of the cavity and their location, however, this can only be achieved by a right-angle drill since a regular hand-drill can't fit in properly. Luckily, my coworkers have come to the rescue again and rode forth on shining steeds bearing a right-angle drill in their hands. Or at least they will when I finally remember to remind them at work to actually bring it to me. :/

So until I get it, all I can do is wait until I have the proper tool to get the job done. And then... painting? I shouldn't say that. I might jinx it.

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